I have a Table IMP in which data is imported from text file ..
SID State ShortName
1001 VA Nut
1001 VA Com
1001 VA EOW
1001 VA Plan
1001 VA ECO
1001 VA ABC
1001 VA land
1001 VA earth
1001 VA SEA
1001 VA Air
like wise i have for many states and many Short names ...
>another Table EXClusiveID
BID ShortName EXID State
5 NUT 211 VA
5 NUT 212 VA
5 NUT 213 VA
6 Com 211 VA
6 Com 212 VA
6 Com 213 VA
211 Eow 5 VA
211 Eow 6 VA
211 Eow 7 VA
212 Eco 5 VA
212 Eco 6 VA
212 Eco 7 VA
213 land 5 VA
213 land 6 VA
213 land 7 VA
EXClusiveID table gives information about BID and what are the exclusive EXID should be submitted , meaning if one state VA submits BID 5 with short name "NUT" they cannot submit with 211(Eow),212(Plan),213(Eco).
I have to check Shortnamecolumn in Table IMP .
Ex: If there is shortname NUT which is (BID=5) and EOW (BID=211)or 212 or 213 i should throw error (i have to insert the values in another table )
bottom line is if there is 5 it should not have 211 , 212 , 213 values in my Imp table and if there is 6 it should not have 211 , 212 , 213 , if 7 it should not have 211 , 212 , 213
if 211 it should not have 5,6,7 ...
can anyone help me in checking the values using function or cursor
SID State ShortName
1001 VA Nut
1001 VA Com
1001 VA EOW
1001 VA Plan
1001 VA ECO
1001 VA ABC
1001 VA land
1001 VA earth
1001 VA SEA
1001 VA Air
like wise i have for many states and many Short names ...
>another Table EXClusiveID
BID ShortName EXID State
5 NUT 211 VA
5 NUT 212 VA
5 NUT 213 VA
6 Com 211 VA
6 Com 212 VA
6 Com 213 VA
211 Eow 5 VA
211 Eow 6 VA
211 Eow 7 VA
212 Eco 5 VA
212 Eco 6 VA
212 Eco 7 VA
213 land 5 VA
213 land 6 VA
213 land 7 VA
EXClusiveID table gives information about BID and what are the exclusive EXID should be submitted , meaning if one state VA submits BID 5 with short name "NUT" they cannot submit with 211(Eow),212(Plan),213(Eco).
I have to check Shortnamecolumn in Table IMP .
Ex: If there is shortname NUT which is (BID=5) and EOW (BID=211)or 212 or 213 i should throw error (i have to insert the values in another table )
bottom line is if there is 5 it should not have 211 , 212 , 213 values in my Imp table and if there is 6 it should not have 211 , 212 , 213 , if 7 it should not have 211 , 212 , 213
if 211 it should not have 5,6,7 ...
can anyone help me in checking the values using function or cursor