I have Table_A in which data is imported from text file ..
SID State ShortName Description UniqueId Year
10001 VA Nut This is NUT 10010101 2001
10001 PA Com This is Com A0010101 NULL
10001 VA EOW This is Com 10010101 2008
BID Shortname SID
5 NUT 10001
6 Com 10001
211 Eow 10001
212 Eco 10001
213 land 10001
Table_C (Exclusive table):
BmpId ExclusiveBmpId
5 211
5 212
5 213
6 211
6 213
7 211
8 130
211 5
211 6
211 7
212 5
212 6
212 7
213 5
213 6
213 7
These are exclusive IDs
TABLE_D (TblState)
SID Stateid State
10001 1 DC
10001 2 DE
10001 3 MD
10001 5 NY
10001 6 PA
10001 7 VA
10001 8 WV
I joined Tables B, C and D and placed the results in tempTableZZ
BID ShortName EXID State
5 NUT 211 VA
5 NUT 212 VA
5 NUT 213 VA
6 Com 211 VA
6 Com 212 VA
6 Com 213 VA
211 Eow 5 VA
211 Eow 6 VA
211 Eow 7 VA
212 Eco 5 VA
212 Eco 6 VA
212 Eco 7 VA
213 land 5 VA
213 land 6 VA
213 land 7 VA
The validation check against TempTable_ZZ is where I am struggling to create. e.g., If the shortname in Table_A is "NUT" which its' BID which is located in table_B is 5, Then check if the BID is 5 and the EXID is either 211, 212, 213 in the TempTable_ZZ. If in TempTable_ZZ BID is 5 and the the EXID are any of the aforementioned then throw an error. Questions is, How do I do this?