Hi All,
Using SQL Server 2008 R2. Below is DDL and Sample Data:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sample](
[SampleID] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Description] [varchar](50) NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SampleDetailID](
[SampleDetailID] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[SampleID] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Approved] [bit] NULL
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sample]
([SampleID], [Description])
('A1', 'Test 1'),
('A2', 'Test 2'),
('A3', 'Test 3'),
('A4', 'Test 4')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SampleDetails]
([SampleDetailID], [SampleID], [Approved])
('B1', 'A1', '1'),
('B2', 'A1', '0'),
('B3', 'A1', '0'),
('B4', 'A2', '0'),
('B5', 'A3', '1'),
('B6', 'A3', '1'),
('B7', 'A4', '1'),
('B8', 'A4', '1'),
('B9', 'A4', '0')
Using the above example, I am looking to return only those rows from the parent table which have all joined rows (B.SampleID = A.SampleID) (where B is SampleDetails and A is Sample) in the child table that satisfy the condition (Approved = 1). So the
expected output would be:
SampleID Description
-------- -----------
A3 Test 3
As A3 is the only row in Sample that has Approved = 1 for every one of its rows in SampleDetails. Additionally (just in case it's worth mentioning) per the sample data above the number of rows in SampleDetails for a given Sample may not always be consistent.
Sometimes there may be one, othertimes there may be three or more.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated!
Best Regards