I have 2 reports that share common code - they calculate a time difference in minutes - and count the number of items passing thorough a given process during the manufacturing process (Sorry I cannot be more specific - NDA involved).
Here is an example of the code running in both stored procedures. The results are written to a temp table.
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),ProcessDate,114) BETWEEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),'19:30:00.000',114)
AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),'19:59:59.999',114)
THEN MachineID
END) AS 'TimeSlice1930_2000'
I am counting the items in 30 minute time slices and I am getting 1 minute differences in the results between the 2 reports.
Same data, same code - the only difference is in the WHERE clause
procedure 1
'RRO 1',
'TUO 1',
'TUO 2'
AND ProcessDate BETWEEN @StartDate
AND @EndDate
Procedure 2
WHERE MachineID LIKE 'Ins%'
AND InspectionDate BETWEEN @StartDate
AND @EndDate
Any idea why? Is this a rounding thing? If I write the data into a real table object instead of a temp table the data type selected when I do a SELECT INTO is INT.