I have the following query, this query works well and it used to give me all appointments after the first appointment, i changed the following code from
min(AdmissionDateTime) over (partition by MRN, DX1) FirstVisitDate
(AdmissionDateTime) As VisitDate,DischargeDateTime,obvious this is wrong.. as it calculates the diff between admission and Discharge.
what i am trying to change it to say
Patient readmitted within 30 days of the previous appointment DischargeDateTime
currently it is calculating the diff between DischargeDate and Visitdate.
I may need to go back to a query with a outer apply, but i was hoping to do it with a CTE
any help would be apprecitated
with visit as ( select InpatientEpisodeId,MRN, IndexAdmission, (AdmissionDateTime) As VisitDate,DischargeDateTime, row_number() over (partition by MRN, IndexAdmission order by AdmissionDateTime) visit_number,DRG,DRG_Description from tbl.tbl) select *, case when visit_number = 1 then 'First Visit' else case when datediff(dd, DischargeDateTime,VisitDate ) < =30 then 'Within 30 Days' else 'After 30 Days' end end AS 'Within 30 Days' from visit