This is my problem :
It involves 2 tables; Tickets and Ticket_Characs
Tickets (this table has more columns, but only need these two)
* ticket_id
* package_id (foreign key from other table)
*ticket_id (this is a foreign key from Tickets table and also a primary key with the name field)
One ticket can have different characs
ex: Ticket 1 -------charac value: very good
charac value: good
charac value: bad
ex: Ticket 2 -------
charac value: good
charac value: bad
ex: Ticket 3 ------- charac value: very good
charac value: good
I need to find the tickets (ticket_id) that are from specific packages (the package_id is foreign key in the table Tickets)
AND does not include the charac value: bad,
in this case will be Ticket 3
I thought.. very easy and did this:
SELECT DISTINCT TH.master_ticket_id,TH.package_id,TH.package_name,,TC.value FROM ticket_header TH JOIN ticket_characs TC ON TH.ticket_id = WHERE TH.merchant_id = 10 AND TH.package_id in (1571,1572,15173) AND TC.value NOT LIKE 'bad%'
but it comes the other tickets because they have other characs that are not: charac bad
Any help please,
thanks in advance