I want a query for the below scenario.. Please help.
Table "A" :
Part# cost shippinginfo ShippingCost
AB12 12.43 12|23|43|34 1.00|3.00|4.00|5.00
CD34 15.00 56|65|78|89 2.00|4.00|6.00|7.00
FG23 16.99 45|44|32|23 1.45|2.34|3.45|5.34
I want to populate Table "B" from Table "A" as follows :
Part# cost shippinginfo ShippingCost
AB12 12.43 12 1.00
AB12 12.43 23 3.00
AB12 12.43 43 4.00
AB12 12.43 34 5.00
CD34 15.00 56 2.00
CD34 15.00 65 4.00
CD34 15.00 78 6.00
CD34 15.00 89 7.00
FG23 16.99 45 1.45
FG23 16.99 44 2.34
FG23 16.99 32 3.45
FG23 16.99 23 5.34