Hello Everyone!
I'm in a fix, I've come across a scenario where simple replace function isn't supporting me in writing good queries. As a result, I've to use Loop or Cursor. Here is the case;
I've a tables CustomComments with 2 columns:
ID (int), and Comment (nvarchar(max))
ID value = 12Comment value = $$$$ !!! @@@ ????? ? ? ? gear run successs&
See, there are repeated characters in comments, I've used CLR RegEx function to find out the repeated characters and those are:
Id OldValue NewValue 12 $$$$ $ 12 !!! ! 12 @@@ @ 12 ????? ? ? ? ?
I want to replace each old value (i.e. repated value) in Table with NewValue
Here is my query to solve this purpose (initially i thought so)
UPDATE c SET c.Comments = REPLACE(c.Comments, r.OldValue, r.NewValue) FROM CustomerComments c INNER JOIN ( SELECT Id, t.Value OldValue, LEFT(t.Value, 1) NewValue FROM cmts_t1 c (NOLOCK) CROSS APPLY dbo.RegexMatches(c.comments_normalized, '([^0-9\w])\1{1,}(\s*\1+)*') t ) r ON c.Id = r.Id
What it does - it simply updates 1st record and nothing else.
I'm looking for a solution, where I can update my results with more results in subquery without using Loop or Cursor.
Please help me in finding out solutions.
Remain Blessed
Remained Blessed -Naasfama