Hello everyone. I have a ToDo Table that holds ToDo's that I have set.
This is the sequel that collects the ToDo's...
SELECT ToDo.ID AS TID, ToDo.ContactID, ToDo.ContactType, ToDo.ToDoType, ToDo.FollowupType, ToDo.ToDoDate, ToDo.ToDoPeriod, ToDo.ToDoUrgent AS Urgent, ToDo.DateCreated FROM ToDo WHERE ToDo.StaffID = '" + UserID + "' AND ToDo.CompletedBY IS NULL AND ToDo.ToDoDate < '" + date + "' ORDER By ToDo.ID Desc
However, I also want to get the Contact Name based on the ContactID. This normally wouldn't be a problem, but depending on the ContactType, the Contact itself could be in any of 4 or 5 different tables (Customers, Leads, Vendors, Labor)...
Here is an example getting the Contact Name only from the Customers Table:
SELECT ToDo.ID AS TID, ToDo.ContactID, ToDo.ContactType, ToDo.ToDoType, ToDo.FollowupType, ToDo.ToDoDate, ToDo.ToDoPeriod, ToDo.ToDoUrgent AS Urgent, ToDo.DateCreated, Customers.LName + ', ' + Customers.FName AS [CName] FROM ToDo LEFT OUTER JOIN Customers ON Customers.ID = ToDo.ContactID WHERE ToDo.StaffID = '" + UserID + "' AND ToDo.CompletedBY IS NULL AND ToDo.ToDoDate < '" + date + "' ORDER By ToDo.ID Desc
So, my question is, what's the best way of doing something like this? Presently I am getting the ToDo information and then in a foreach I look at the ContactType and make another trip to the database to get the Contact's Name... This requires a good deal of overhead though, so I am trying to trim this down to something that would be a bit more appropriate (and more efficient).
From there I have no issue creating the nodes, etc., but I'm having a hard time getting all of this in the Datatable. Should I do something like a Master / Detail DataSet instead? I'm curious how others on here (Which know much more than I do) would approach something like this.
Thanks Again, I greatly appreciate your help.