I have two nearly identical tables: labprofiles, labprofiles1. They have the same columns except labprofiles1 has a profileid column
The schema looks like this:
CREATE TABLE [Edidata].[labprofiles](
[Provider] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[TranCode] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[DBase] [varchar](25) NOT NULL,
[DBTable] [varchar](25) NOT NULL,
[DBField] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Segment] [varchar](5) NULL,
[Element] [varchar](4) NOT NULL,
[DelimitedPos] [varchar](4) NULL,
[FieldIndex] [int] NOT NULL,
[Org] [varchar](50) NULL,
[LabOrg] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Location] [varchar](50) NULL,
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Profile] [varchar](20) NULL,
[Label] [varchar](30) NULL
CREATE TABLE [Edidata].[labprofiles1](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ProfileId] [int] NOT NULL,
[Provider] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[TranCode] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[DBase] [varchar](25) NOT NULL,
[DBTable] [varchar](25) NOT NULL,
[DBField] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Segment] [varchar](5) NULL,
[Element] [varchar](4) NOT NULL,
[DelimitedPos] [varchar](4) NULL,
[FieldIndex] [int] NOT NULL,
[Location] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Profile] [varchar](20) NULL,
[Label] [varchar](30) NULL,
[Org] [varchar](50) NULL,
[LabOrg] [varchar](30) NULL
So every field should match between the two tables with exception of ID and ProfileID.
I have 38026 rows in labprofiles, 37800 rows in labprofiles1. I need to find what is missing between the two.
Tried this query but it doesn't bring anything back.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Mike Rutledge