I have table called addr_history and address. The address table stores recent data and addr_history stores the history of the address. In the below query I need minimum create_operator and minimum create_datetime combined with the address table for last update operator and last update datetime. Since addr_history has number of records against a person_id it is very difficult for me to filter the old records. Any thoughts???
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT [pn_mship].[mship_id], [pn_membership].[person_id], [addr_history].[create_operator] as first_create_datetime, --Added [addr_history].[create_datetime] as first_create_datetime, --Added [addr].[create_operator] as last_update_operator, [addr].[create_datetime] as last_update_datetime, [addr].[address_line1], [addr].[address_line2], [addr].[address_line3], [addr_type].[address_type], [addr].[locality], [addr].[state], [addr].[postcode], [addr].[barcode37], [pn_history].[deceased_flag], [address].dpid, ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by [pn_mship].[mship_id], [pn_mship].person_id, [pn].[surname], [pen].[first_name] order by [pn_mship].[mship_id])rn FROM [addr], [addr_history], [pn], [addr_type], [pn_history], [pn_mship] where [pn_mship].[pn_id]=[pn].[person_id] AND [pn].[person_id]=[addr].[person_id] AND [pn_membership].[pn_id]=[pn_history].[person_id] AND [pn_ship].termination_date is NULL ) t where rn=1 ORDER BY [create_datetime],[mship_id],[pn_id],[postcode]