In essence our Date entry Database inputs in date's and times for deliveries, if one isn't entered it is shown as 01/01/1990 & 00:00:00.
When this is then transferred/subsumed to our useable database for reporting it is converted to "" or BLANK or NULL. This field is a date type field. We are trying to filter on this field to show either nothing has been entered and putting a string value, or getting a date and time difference on the other deliveries with a valid date and time. We have tried filtering it on "", NOTHING ISNULL(), and the below.
Below is an expression entered into a field in a table in VS2012:
=iif(len(fields!pickup_date.value & "")=0,
"Pick Up Time Not Entered",
We get the error below for the above
Warning 1 [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the textrun ‘Textbox8.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ contains an error: Argument 'Date2' cannot be converted to type 'Date'.