I was making some big tables , so i started considering 8060 max row size, to increase the speed.
but noticed that when i keep more number of cols my queries are getting slow even they lare ess than 8060 when compaired to less no of cols.
Please tel me how should i see 8060, while making tables. importent thing is i am making specific tables
just to speed up my reports so i am keeping report specific data to reduce joins calulations, they are 50000 to 100000 rows in them.
Q1)Please tel me the impact of number of cols in a table with index and with out index.
Q2) not only this i also noticed that queries which are fast they become slow after clearing buffer, so i am trying them
to be fast even if they are not buffred ( i do not know whether it is a good idea or not, pls tel me about it).
yours sincerely.