I seem to be having problems with an SP, can someone assist to debug? The SP runs without error, but values are not written to the destination AnaHistory table.
USE [Summary] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[CopyLiveData] Script Date: 2013/11/30 04:39:00 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO /*************************************************************************************************** Copy data from InSQL Live table into Summary AnaHistory Triggered by InSQL Event Trigger: 1 - daily, 2 - hourly Furnace: 1 to 4, no of furnace Hourly trigger called within the same hour. Daily trigger called during next day. Tags must be in SummaryTags table with correct trigger and enabled=1 ***************************************************************************************************/ ALTER procedure [dbo].[CopyLiveData] @iTrigger int, @iFurnace int as BEGIN DECLARE @i int, @iMaxRowsTags int, @noUpdated int, @iResolution int DECLARE @szTagCu varchar(50) DECLARE @iAdjustTime int DECLARE @szFurnace char(3) set nocount ON if (@iFurnace = 1) select @szFurnace = 'F1%' if (@iFurnace = 2) select @szFurnace = 'F2%' if (@iFurnace = 3) select @szFurnace = 'F3%' if (@iFurnace = 4) select @szFurnace = 'F4%' if (@iFurnace = 5) select @szFurnace = 'BH%' DECLARE cuTags SCROLL CURSOR FOR select Tagname from SummaryTags WHERE TriggerID = @iTrigger and tagname like @szFurnace and enabled = 1 SELECT @iMaxRowsTags = count(*) FROM SummaryTags WHERE TriggerID = @iTrigger and tagname like @szFurnace and enabled = 1 CREATE TABLE #AnalogHistoryTemp ( [DateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL , [TagName] [varchar] (33) NOT NULL , [Value] [real] NULL , [Quality] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [QualityDetail] [int] NULL , [wwTagKey] [int] NOT NULL ) OPEN cuTags SELECT @i = 1 FETCH FIRST FROM cuTags into @szTagCu WHILE (@i <= @iMaxRowsTags) BEGIN /* select @szTagCu, @szActDT */ INSERT INTO #AnalogHistoryTemp select DateTime,Tagname,Value,Quality,QualityDetail,wwTagKey from Runtime..v_AnalogLive where tagname=@szTagCu FETCH NEXT FROM cuTags into @szTagCu select @i = @i + 1 END CLOSE cuTags DEALLOCATE cuTags exec AdjustTime @iTrigger INSERT into AnaHistory SELECT Datetime, tagname, value, quality=0 from #AnalogHistoryTemp DROP TABLE #AnalogHistoryTemp set nocount OFF -- select @noUpdated = count(*) from #AnalogHistoryTemp -- select @noUpdated = @noUpdated / @iMaxRowsTags /* DELETE AnalogHistoryTemp*/ END