If the user want to archive data older than 30 than @numberofDay should convert into date like 11/03/2013.
They want to pass in days as int and the process should convert that into day.
Any help would greatly appreciate.
Declare @NumberofDay INT = 30
-- No
@NumberofDay should be something like '11/03/2013'
OUTPUT deleted.[__$start_lsn], deleted.[__$seqval], deleted.[__$operation], deleted.[__$update_mask], deleted.[BillingDetail_ID]
INTO ArchiveAudit.MyBilling_CT ( [__$start_lsn], [__$seqval], [__$operation], [__$update_mask], [BillingDetail_ID]
WHERE (CONVERT(CHAR(8), [Effective_date], 112) < @NumberofDay ) -- This some how become '11/03/2013'