I have a select statement that runs forever because of 'Select Distinct' and it makes tempdb grow very large due to sorting. Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve this select statement?
I have a select statement that runs forever because of 'Select Distinct' and it makes tempdb grow very large due to sorting. Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve this select statement?
Select distinct d.dlr_reference_num,d.dlr_key,a.app_dlr_fkey, CONVERT(VARCHAR, a.app_key)AS RapAPP, c.user1, c.vendid from NJACCOUNTING01.marlin_test.dbo.apdoc c inner join dbo.application a
on CONVERT(VARCHAR, a.app_key) = SUBSTRING(c.user1, 1,6), dbo.dealer d
where c.DocType = 'VO' and c.Crtd_DateTime > '2012-01-01 00:00:00' and c.VendId like '01%'