select top 100 COUNT(Categorydelta)as hits,Categorydelta from Category WITH (NOLOCK) where Product like '%/_api/search%' and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CONVERT(datetime, SWITCHOFFSET(CONVERT(datetimeoffset, LogTime), DATENAME(TzOffset, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()))),getdate())<=60 and Categorydelta not like '?&QueryTemplate%' and Categorydelta not like '%fakekeyword%' and Categorydelta not like '?Querytext=''''%' and Categorydelta not like '%dlcstoreall%' group by Categorydelta order by hits desc
I have the above sql executing on one of the Source to pull the data, the above query never ends and my CPU usage is hitting 100%. I cannot add any index or make any changes to the schema.
The "Category" is a view with a UNION on 4 tables.
Can anyone let me know how can I break this query and make it fast.
It's a very huge database with millions of records.