I have two tables namely table1, and table2 that both have amount and id. The id is the same in both fields and the sum(amt)in both tables must be the same for the same id else there is discrepancies in either record that can be checked by id.
CREATE TABLE dbo.Table1(
pid int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),
amt numeric(18, 5) NULL,
id int NULL
pid int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),
amt numeric(18, 5) NULL,
id int NULL
insert into dbo.Table1(amt,id) values (20,1)
insert into table1(amt,id) values (90,1)
insert into table1(amt,id) values (98,10)
insert into table1(amt,id) values (54,10)
insert into dbo.Table2(amt,id) values (20,1)
insert into table2(amt,id) values (90,1)
insert into table2(amt,id) values (98,10)
insert into table2(amt,id) values (54,10)
I use the query like:
SELECT Sum1,Sum2,t1.id FROM (select SUM(amt) as Sum1,id from table1 Group by id) t1 cross join
(select SUM(amt) Sum2,id FROM table2 group by ID) t2
but the result is not what I want. I want the result to be:
Sum1 Sum2 id
110 110 1
152 152 10
but the result is:
Sum1 Sum2 id110.00000 110.00000 1
110.00000 152.00000 1
152.00000 110.00000 10
152.00000 152.00000 10
which repeat itself
This will help me find out which table have recorded wrong values because both records should have same value. Note that id is the id of another document!