I have this stock procedure
alter procedure Eqp_Traitement as begin SET nocount on; declare @num_row as int declare @sqlstmt as varchar(max) declare @listetable as varchar(max) declare @eqp as int declare @site_id as int create table #t_eqp(Equipement varchar(max)) set @sqlstmt ='select Equipement into #t_eqp from nss_dico..vassocier' exec(@sqlstmt) set @sqlstmt='select Equipement from #t_eqp' exec(@sqlstmt)
I don't have any result when I execute them
And when I execute the same procedure without temporary table he returns the correct result
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO alter PROCEDURE Eqp_Traitement AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; declare @num_row as int declare @sqlstmt as varchar(max) declare @listetable as varchar(max) declare @eqp as int --declare @site_id as int create table #t_listeqp (Equipement varchar(300)) set @sqlstmt =('select Equipement from nss_dico..vassocier') exec(@sqlstmt) end