i have 3 tables....
1. wn_synset(synset_id decimal, w_num decimal, word varchar(255), ss_type char)
this table contains word List in word column.
2.wn_gloss(synset_id decimal, gloss varchar(255)
this table contains meaning(wn_gloss.gloss) of word List of wn_synset table, related with its synset_id column.
3. wn_antony (synset_id_1 decimal, w_num_1 decimal, synset_id_2 decimal, w_num_2 decimal)
this table contains synset_id and w_num of words of opposit of the meaning (corresponding to synset_id and w_num), listed in the same wn_synset.word
i have joined the wn_synset and wn_gloss using the following code...
select g.gloss as meaning, wrd.ss_type as Word_Type, wrd.word as word FROM wn_synset as wrd JOIN wn_gloss as g ON wrd.synset_id = g.synset_id where wrd.word= 'good' order by wrd.ss_type
now i want to join the 3rd table wn_antony to have another column to result having opposit meaning word.
please help, how could i achieve the following code...
select g.gloss as meaning, wrd.ss_type as Word_Type, wrd.word as word (wrd.word as opposit where wrd.synset_id=tblOpposit.synset_id_2 and wrd.w_num= tblOpposit.w_num_2) FROM wn_synset as wrd JOIN wn_gloss as g ON wrd.synset_id = g.synset_id join wn_antony as tblOpposit on wrd.synset_id=tblOpposit.synset_id_1 and wrd.w_num= tblOpposit.w_num_1 where wrd.word= 'good' order by wrd.ss_type
Please help me achieve this....
thanks for any repsonse. :-)