Hi we run enterprise 2012. I thought this would be the best forum to start with.
I have a prototype query that selects data from today's "untyped" (almost everthing is nvarchar) stage table and inserts only those records that pass some lightweight editing into a "typed" (numerics etc allowed) version of the same table.
There is more to it than that but what I'd like to do in the same pass is explode errant records into one or more error records that contain essentially the untyped table record's pk, the column name in question, and either an error code or error message.
To complicate things a bit, an individual column might have failed more than one edit rule.
I see a little info on the web about output clauses, master data features and data quality features but while I'm reading up on these subjects I thought I'd ask the community for ideas. Perhaps there are new 2012 features that address this class of problem. In my mind I'm already watching out for situations where a feature doesnt allow for "versioning" of edit rules on a particular column. I'm also a bit concerned that if I use something fancy available in 2012 too early in our young project, I'll wish I waited till we got a better idea of how all the data behaves, not just the few samples we've seen so far.