I have this sql
select EPSReferralKPIs.dbPatID, EPSReferralKPIs.dbPatLastName, EPSReferralKPIs.dbAddDate, EPSReferralKPIs.LastName,EPSReferralKPIs.dbStaffLastName, SUM(epstransactions.LedgerAmount)as Outstanding, (SUM(CASE WHEN epstransactions.LedgerAmount <= 0 THEN epstransactions.LedgerAmount ELSE NULL END) * -1) as Charges, SUM(CASE WHEN epstransactions.LedgerAmount > 0 THEN epstransactions.LedgerAmount ELSE NULL END) as Payments from epstransactions inner join EPSReferralKPIs on epstransactions.PatientID = EPSReferralKPIs.dbPatID group by EPSReferralKPIs.dbPatID, EPSReferralKPIs.dbPatLastName, EPSReferralKPIs.dbAddDate, EPSReferralKPIs.LastName, EPSReferralKPIs.dbStaffLastName
Which brings back any patient detail where the patientID (dbPatID) from the EPSRerreflKPIs table (names and dates) matches the patientID of the EPSTranscations table (amounts). Cool.
What I would like to acheive is where there isn’t a join for the PatientID bewteen the tables to still create a row from the EPSReferralKPIs table (names and dates) and 0.00’s for the other columns (Outstanding, Charges, Payments).
Thanks for any help.