Hi - I would like to create a SSRS Matrix report. I have some SQL (see below) and understand I may need to update it using TSQL Pivot to allow me to create a SSRS matrix that would give me the following layout - can anyone help?
Sample data and SSRS report requirement:
Current SQL:
select p.ProjectName , ta.Billable , ta.NonBillable , ta.Overtime , DATEPART(year,ta.TimeByDay) as [Year] , DATEPART(month,ta.TimeByDay) as [Month] from dbo.tov ta inner join dbo.tuv tl on ta.id = tl.id inner join dbo.eru r on r.id = tl.id left outer join dbo.epu p on p.id = tl.id left outer join dbo.etu t on t.id = tl.id where DATEPART(year,ta.TimeByDay) = '2013' and DATEPART(month,ta.TimeByDay) = '1'