Hello There,
Could you please assist me to solve this, basically the below is 2 sql statements how can i convert these two queries to one, please
---Query 1 select languagetype , Indication, COUNT(AcctID) as Clients, AVG(TaxRate1) as SavingRtAvg_RT, SUM(BeforeStats) as BeforeSecs, CASE WHEN Indication = 'Action' THEN COUNT(AcctID) END as CheckerPark, CASE WHEN Indication = 'NoAction' THEN COUNT(AcctID) END as NONCheckerPark INTO #Temp from Mars.Outfitter where period = 'Q1-2013' group by languagetype , Indication order by LanguageType, Indication ------------------------- ---Query 2---- select languagetype , a.Indication, a.Clients, a.SavingRtAvg_RT, a.BeforeSecs, (CONVERT(Decimal(18,4),a.CheckerPark)/(a.CheckerPark+b.NONCheckerPark)) as Pct from #temp a left outer join (select * from #temp where Indication = 'NoAction') b on a.languagetype = b.languagetype and a.Indication = 'Action' DROP TABLE #Temp
Thank you in Advance