Hi I am updating a report in SSRS where I am usinga Bar Chart which shows the last 12 months. However because I am using a grouping feature, each graph will only show data that is present - so if a group only had values in October, November and December the bar char only shows that and not the last 12 months.
I figure that I need to look at the underlying code to try and generate dummy months.
There is already a part of the code that injects dummy months but I need it to injects the dummy months by Insurance group
It feels like I would need to do some over partion work but I am not sure.
Here is the part of the code that injects Dummy Months
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inject dummy months into output so that the graphs will show months that have no data --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT @Count = 0 ,@Counter = 12 WHILE @Count < @Counter BEGIN SELECT @Temp_Date = DATEADD(Month,(@Count)*-1,@Last_Day_Of_Last_Month) INSERT INTO @Output ([Banding] ,[Costs Settled ALL Year] ,[Costs Settled ALL Month No] ,[Costs Settled ALL Month Name] ,[Costs Settled ALL Last Twelve Months Flag] ,[Damages Settled ALL Year] ,[Damages Settled ALL Month No] ,[Damages Settled ALL Month Name] ,[Damages Settled ALL Last Twelve Months Flag] ,[File Received Year] ,[File Received Month No] ,[File Received Month Name] ,[Received Last Twelve Months Flag] ,[Last Month]) VALUES ('Ignore' ,DATEPART(Year,@Temp_Date) ,DATEPART(Month,@Temp_Date) ,SUBSTRING(DATENAME(Month,@Temp_Date),1,3) ,1 ,DATEPART(Year,@Temp_Date) ,DATEPART(Month,@Temp_Date) ,SUBSTRING(DATENAME(Month,@Temp_Date),1,3) ,1 ,DATEPART(Year,@Temp_Date) ,DATEPART(Month,@Temp_Date) ,SUBSTRING(DATENAME(Month,@Temp_Date),1,3) ,1 ,@Last_Month) SELECT @Count = @Count + 1 END