premises : i am more of a developer and planner than of a DBA
i test stranger things in procedures
now i have a situation in which
- 1 one temp table has the following schema
(grouper int [should be smallint but this generates endless problems in the ODBC RFX interface] values are 0 to 100 ,
coder int ,
k2 int,
v1 bigint ,
v2 float ,
v3 nvarchar(80)
- it contain a fixed of 10 lines with a 0 value in the grouper column then 10 to 10 thousands lines with 1 then 30 to 30 thousands lines with 2
- i have thought that actual problem can be solved by creating a trigger that when the first value with 1 and with 2 in the grouper column , and then when populating STP ends sends a specific Windows message to an external Windows app
- is this possible ??? and if yes how ???
- if needed i can attach aCSV copy of the actual contents of the table
claudio cannella