I want to be able to send mails to specific mails.
For example that works perfectly sending to only one mail:
DECLARE @recipients VARCHAR(4000)
@recipients = [user] + '@skyvision.net'
from Vehicle_Users
where [user] in ('ThomasY')
USE msdb
EXEC sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'MailProfile',
@recipients = @recipients,
@subject = 'Vehicles ready for Kilometraje treatment',
@body = 'The Following Vehicles ready for Kilometraje treatment:'
In this example the mail was sent to ThomasY@skyvision.net.
But lets say I want to sent to 2 mails or more, what do I do?
I think I need to make a loop with ';' on the @recipients variable, separating between the mails somehow... But I'm not sure how...
Any ideas?