Hi folks,
I have written a query that gives me monthly budget (which is nothing but total budget/12).
select H.Budheadid,Budgetname,BudDetailID,totalBudget,(totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetJan, Year=DATEPART(Year, periodStart), (totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetFeb,(totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetMar, (totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetApril,(totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetMay ,(totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetJune,(totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetjuly, (totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetAug, (totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetSep,(totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetoct ,(totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetnov,(totalBudget/12) as TotalBudgetdecember from [BudgetDetail] D inner join BudgetHeader H on H.Budheadid = D.Budheadid
I want to also find Monthly available amount. the formula is below
TotalAvailJan = TotalBudgetJan - AmountUsedInJan (This amount we get from PODetail table using PODate, if the amount is applied in Jan we have to subtracted it from TotalBudgetJan to get TotalAvailJan )
Similarly I have to do this for all 12 months.
Can someone please help.
Table Structure
BudgetDetail (BudDetailID,BudHeadID,periodstart,periodend,TotalBudget,AmountPO,TotalAmountRemaining)
BudgetHeader (BudHeadID,BudgetName)
PODetail (POID,BudHeadID,POAmount,PODATE)
Thanks in advance