OBJECTIVE: for a group of clients, report the average number of days in which they have been enrolled in a given program.
PROBLEM: the clients are often dropped and later re-enrolled in our programs. So, I want to use only the most recent enrollment date for each client. And then calculate an average number of days enrolled.
The data looks like this:
c_id p_effdt p_lapdt 123456 12/19/2013 NULL 234567 11/10/2003 12/23/2003 345678 11/25/2010 NULL 345678 12/16/2010 4/29/2010 456789 11/11/2004 11/30/2004 456789 11/13/2003 12/29/2003
Of course, this: Datediff(dd,MAX(p_effdt),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
results in the error: Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
DECLARE @LastProgramEffectiveDate DATETIME SET @LastProgramEffectiveDate = MAX(program.p_effdt) SELECT AVG(Datediff(dd,@LastProgramEffectiveDate,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) FROM events INNER JOIN program ON events.e_case_no = program.c_idError: The multi-part identifier "program.p_effdt" could not be bound.
So that SQL query is not the way to go. What is the best way to accomplish the above defined objective?
Thank you.