Hi experts!
I wrote a query which cross joins 2 tables:
select T.PeriodStart, T.PeriodEnd, count(SessionID) as count_SessionID,sum(cast(SessionDuration as bigint)) as Sum_SessionDuration from #t T cross join [Fact1] with(nolock) where ActivityStart <= T.PeriodEnd and ActivityEnd >= T.PeriodStart group by T.PeriodStart, T.PeriodEnd option (maxdop 16)
Notice that I have a query option (maxdop 16). When I check execution plan, it shows that degree of parallelism is 16:
But, when I check properties in execution plan for big fact table (Fact1) I'm joining, it says that only 4 threads are actually used:
Is there any meaningful explanation for this?
Thanks in advance,