I have a certificated SP on DB1 using a linked server to DB2. Inside the SP is "Execute as login='LinkUser'" where LinkUser is allowed to be impersonated by the login attached to the certificate (let's call it "CertLogin").
User1 runs the stored procedure and I can see (via Profiler) that the SP is being executed under LinkUser.
User2 runs the stored procedure but gets an error as they don't pick up the "execute as" and challenges the remote server using their own login rather than LinkServer.
Only the CertLogin has impersonate on LinkUser so it is almost as if certain users take account of the certificate, use CertLogin to get to use LinkUser, where others don't. I should say I have several domain users with about an equal split as to those for whom it works vs. those where it falls over.
How do I investigate why this is happening? I am running SQL 2012 if it makes any difference . . .
Thanks in advance
Alex Stennett