I need help please.
I have a table with payments. I need to check for each idno if he has payments for a certain year that exceeds the total amount allowed. In my example the total amount allowed for each month of year 2006 is 2000,00.
I need to go each month and check the total.
For month 1 payments<2000 so I continue to month 2 and in month 3 I see that payments>2000.
I have to show in my output month 3,the maximum amount of payments allowed till that month so it's 2000*3, sum (payments) where month in (1,2,3) and also show the result for payments for month 3 less 2000.
I continue to check the next month. Month 4 has payments over 2000 so I show this month also.
However, since I already checked the previous months I don't need to calculate values from previous months. Only show the payments for that month.
Month 5 is fine but month 6 again has payments>2000.
So I show month 6, max amount of payments allowed is now 2000*2, sum (payments) where month in (5,6)
create table #Installments (idno int, payYear int, payMonth int,Payments decimal (10,2))
insert into #Installments
select 34576,2006, 1, 1704.53 union
select 34576,2006,2,1683.18 union
select 34576,2006,3, 3000.00 union
select 34576,2006,4,5000.00 union
select 34576,2006,5,1174.24 union
select 34576,2006,6,2540.62
select *,case when payments>2000.00 then 1 else 0 end from #Installments
idno | payYear | payMonth | Payments | Exceeds 2000.00 |
34576 | 2006 | 1 | 1704.53 | N |
34576 | 2006 | 2 | 1683.18 | N |
34576 | 2006 | 3 | 3000.00 | Y |
34576 | 2006 | 4 | 5000.00 | Y |
34576 | 2006 | 5 | 1174.24 | N |
34576 | 2006 | 6 | 2540.62 | Y |
select 3 as payMonth, 2000.00*3 MaxPaymentsAllowedTillMonth,sum (Payments) TotalPaymentsTillMonth ,3000.00 TotalforMonth,3000.00-2000.00 DeviationAmount
from #Installments
where payMonth <4
select 4 as payMonth, 2000.00*1 MaxPaymentsAllowedTillMonth,sum (Payments) TotalPaymentsTillMonth,5000.00 TotalforMonth,5000.00-2000.00 DeviationAmount
from #Installments
where payMonth in (4)
select 6 as payMonth, 2000.00*2 MaxPaymentsAllowedTillMonth,sum (Payments) TotalPaymentsTillMonth,2540.62 TotalforMonth,4000.00-2000.00 DeviationAmount
from #Installments
where payMonth in (5,6)
payMonth | MaxPaymentsAllowedTillMonth | TotalPaymentsTillMonth | TotalforMonth | OverAmount |
3 | 6000.00 | 6387.71 | 3000.00 | 1000.00 |
4 | 2000.00 | 5000.00 | 5000.00 | 3000.00 |
6 | 4000.00 | 3714.86 | 2540.62 | 2000.00 |