I need help with a stored procedure.
I have two tablesCRIS_USER and CRIS_USER_ LOCATION.
My query will read a tabbed text file UserLocation.
Staff Name login 121155 063071750
Obiwan Kenobi obikenX
Luke Skywalker lsky X
Han Solo hsolo X X
CRIS_USER.id is the foreign key cris_user_id in CRIS_USER_LOCATION
The query reads UserLocation text file into #LocationTemp - UserName, UserLogin, Loc_1, Loc_2, Loc_3, Loc_4, Loc_5
CRIS_ USER_ LOCATION.location_id is a three digit number – 121, 155, 063, 071, or 750.
In the text file, Loc_1 thru Loc_5 will each have an “x” or a null value.
Loc_1 = 121
Loc_2 = 155
Loc_3 = 063
Loc_4 = 071
Loc_5 = 750
Locations with an “x” indicate that a row is added to CRIS_USER_LOCATION if it does not exist for that user.
The query needs to SELECT the id from CRIS_USER WHERE LocationTemp.login = CRIS_USER.login_id.
SELECT CRIS_USER.id FROM CRIS_USER WHERE CRIS_USER.login_id = #LocationTemp .login
The result of that SELECT, CRIS_USER.id, is used to check if a location_id exists for a cris_user_id in the CRIS_ USER_ LOCATION table if the value for that location has an “x” in #LocationTemp.
-- If Loc_1 = “x” (or is not null) (I might use case) SELECT * From CRIS_ USER_ LOCATION WHERE CRIS_USER.id(result from previous query) = CRIS_USER_LOCATION. cris_user_id and #LocationTemp. location_id = “121”
If the result of that query is null, insert a row in CRIS_USER_LOCATION. I then have to do the same for Loc_2,…etc. It would be possible to insert up to five rows into CRIS_ USER_ LOCATION from one row in #LocationTemp .
If Loc_1 = X, insert 121
If Loc_2 = X, insert 155
If Loc_3 = X, insert 063
If Loc_4 = X, insert 071
If Loc_5 = X, insert 750
There can be multiple entries for the same CRIS_USER_ LOCATION. cris_user_id since they can have multiple locations.
CRIS_USER_ LOCATION.id is the primary key and is not set to auto increment. I have to find the highest key value and increment by one when creating a new record.
Here is the code to load the text file:
IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB..#LocationTemp') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE #LocationTemp(UserName varchar(50),UserLogin varchar(20),Loc_1 varchar(1),Loc_2 varchar(1),Loc_3 varchar(1),Loc_4 varchar(1), Loc_5 varchar(1)) BULK INSERT #LocationTemp FROM '\\431605-DB1\NRVCS\UserLocation.txt' WITH (ROWTERMINATOR ='\n' ,FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t' ,FIRSTROW=2) PRINT 'File data copied to Temp table' END
The next step might be to load a second table #LocationTemp2 with CRIS_USER.id and Loc_1 thru Loc_5 using #LocationTemp and CRIS_USER.
IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB..#LocationTemp2') IS NULL CREATE TABLE #LocationTemp2(cris_user_id numeric(10, 0),Loc_1 varchar(1),Loc_2 varchar(1),Loc_3 varchar(1),Loc_4 varchar(1), Loc_5 varchar(1) ) INSERT INTO #LocationTemp2(cris_user_id, Loc_1,Loc_2,Loc_3,Loc_4,Loc_5) SELECT CRIS_USER.id, #LocationTemp.Loc_1,#LocationTemp.Loc_2,#LocationTemp.Loc_3,#LocationTemp.Loc_4,#LocationTemp.Loc_5 FROM CRIS_USER JOIN #LocationTemp ON (CRIS_USER.login_id = #LocationTemp.UserLogin)
The next step would be to loadCRIS_ USER_ LOCATION. I would need to insert a row with the corresponding location if Loc_1 thru Loc_5 = “X”, and if that particular location is not already in the table for that cris_user_id. I’m not sure if I should do that here or with the second temp table.
I know my question is lengthy.
Any suggestions? Should I create a second temp table? Is there a better way to go about it? I’ve also thought about a SELECT within a SELECT but am unsure how to do that in combination with an INSERT. I think I would still need a case or if statement. Can I use a loop to go through Loc_1 to Loc_5 to check for “X”?