Hi Team,
Not exists is taking very long time. ETL.Table1 has 50k records for recordtype = 1 and 49466 for recordtype =2. The difference is 534 for returning these records the query is taking close 4mins. Is there a way to improve the performance?
Declare @R1 Table ( ConsumerID nVarchar(20) ) Declare @R2 Table ( ConsumerID nVarchar(20) ) Insert into @R1 Select ConsumerID From ETL.Table1 Where RecordType='1' Insert into @R2 Select ConsumerID From ETL.Table1 Where RecordType='2' Select * From @R1 R1 Where Not Exists(Select ConsumerID from @R2 R2 Where R1.ConsumerID = R2.ConsumerID)
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