Dear all
I have a weird issue while entering a data into one table which reference as a FK in an other
If I enter manually the following in my PropertyType Table :
INSERT INTO [RealEstateAgent].[dbo].[PropertyType] ([PropertyId] ,[TypeName] ,[PropertyTypeId]) VALUES (123,'test',0) GO
Then I get the following error :
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_PropertyType_Vebra_PropertyDetails". The conflict occurred in database "RealEstateAgent", table "dbo.Vebra_PropertyDetails", column 'Id'.
Which is correct because the PropertyId value I am inserting is not existing in the PropertyDetails. So if I enter instead the following querry :INSERT INTO [RealEstateAgent].[dbo].[PropertyType] ([PropertyId] ,[TypeName] ,[PropertyTypeId]) VALUES (24072341,'test',0) GO
Then all works fine and data gets inserted correctly. So far so good.
The problem is occurring when I am inserting the records above using Entity Framework as follow :
RealEstate_Model.PropertyType A = new RealEstate_Model.PropertyType(); A.PropertyId = Tp.PropertyId; A.TypeName = Tp.Name; A.PropertyTypeId = (int)(from t in context.GetPropertyType(int.Parse(Tp.SearchCriteria)) select t).FirstOrDefault(); context.PropertyTypes.AddObject(A); context.SaveChanges();
All field valule are the same as in the succesfull query I was executing manually but when the context.SaveChanges() is executed, I get and exception with same error I get with the first querry I was executing manually.
Did I miss something here ?