Hello ,
I'm working on implimenting SCD type 2 to keep track of changes in dim_A with fields as
Table A
VQ_dim_Id , VQ_Name, Contact_Type , Contact_Type, Center_Node_Id , Sed_id , Eed_Id , Insert_date, IsCurrent
Table B
CT_Number, Virtual_Queue , Center_Node_ID , Center, Contact_Type.
Table B acts as source to determine changes for Updates and inserts for Table A . with join condition on VQ_Name and Virtual_Queue ( Which is bad but business rules have no way to determined by ID)
my quesiton is I can update VQ_Name , Contact_Type , Center_Node_Id from Source (table B) , Is there any best practice in place where I can insert EED_Id, SED_id as well in case they are missing in the source... any code snippet to impliment SCD with this kinda functionality helpful !
Thank you ,