I have these values on my table:
FIPS LoadDate RecDate
1 10/1/2005 2/1/2005
1 12/3/2006 2/10/2005
1 3/10/2005 3/2/2005 <=====I want to pull this record
This is my query:
Select FIPS, LoadDate, max(RecDate)
from table1 group by FIPS, LoadDate
The problem with this query is all the load dates are displaying with the same RecDate. So all 3 records are displaying on the
results table. I only want the 3rd row pulled from the table. There are variable number of records for each unique FIPS.
There must be a simpler way to pull this data. Basically I just want to pull the max RecDate and the corresponding LoadDate.
Thank you for the help.