I have a column like Below:
Code Description Season A$ B$ C$ D $
10 AP FA13 3 4 5 6
20 BC SP15 4 5 6 7
10 AP SU12 3 4 5 5
10 AP FA13 10 2 1 2
20 BC SP15 2 7 1 3
Now I need a add only column A with same code, same seson (Description is always same), had to add column B (same way) and c and D.I want all these value to land at same column. Then add another column saying if it is A$,B$,C$ or D$. This is what I am Looking....
Code Description Season Measure Measure Code
10 AP FA13 3 A$
10 AP FA13 4 B$
10 AP FA13 5 C$
10 AP FA13 6 D$
20 BC SP15 6 A$ (Its adding A$ as it has Code,Description and Season common)
20 BC SP15 12 B$
and so on.
Can someone please help me to figure this out?