Hello All Good Evening,
Could you please help me with this query, how can i write this query without sub query, or how can write this query another ways
please help me
select planno, status1, count(*) Counts from
select a.ValetNO PlanNo ,
when JoinCode in ('00', '01', '02') then 'Actcess'
when JoinCode in ('20', '21', '22', '23','38', '39') then
'Secured' else 'Other' end Status1 ---, COUNT (*)
from dbo.ppt a(NOLOCK) left join dbo.acts b on a.P_ID = b.P_ID and a.ValetNO = b.ValetNO
--group by a.ValetNO
a group by planno, status1
order by 2
Thank you in Advance