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help with following script file


I list store procedure and error message. what's problem? How to fix it? I print (@SQLString) before Exec (@SQLString).Thanks!

USE [msdb]

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[SQLAutoIndexPrepDataCapture_test]    Script Date: 02/17/2014 20:46:19 ******/




CREATE PROC [dbo].[SQLAutoIndexPrepDataCapture_test]
 @ScanMode VARCHAR(15) = 'LIMITED' -- LIMITED, SAMPLED, or DETAILED; from fast / non-leaf scan to slow / full B-Tree



IF (Object_Id('tempdb..#tbl_InstancePrepDatabases')) Is Not Null Drop Table #tbl_InstancePrepDatabases
--the following table is used to hold the data relating to the Db state, this is also used to control the looping of databases.
CREATE TABLE #tbl_InstancePrepDatabases
(int_InstDb_RowRef bigint  IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, --Constraint name not given as this can cause conflicts when used with local temp tables
--int_DbId    smallint,
int_DbId    bigint,
nvchr_DbName  nvarchar(125))

CREATE INDEX [Ix_Table_#tbl_InstancePrepDatabases_Col_int_DbId]
  ON [dbo].[#tbl_InstancePrepDatabases](int_DbId) INCLUDE (nvchr_DbName)

INSERT INTO #tbl_InstancePrepDatabases
(nvchr_DbName, int_DbId)
SELECT [name], [database_id]
FROM sys.databases
WHERE ([state] + is_in_standby + is_read_only) = 0 AND
 [name] NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT [nvchr_DbName]
    FROM systems..SQLAutoIndex_Exclusions
      SELECT 'master'
      SELECT 'model'
      SELECT 'msdb'
      SELECT 'Mssqlresourcedb' --this should not even show up, but for completeness added it to system Db exculsions
      SELECT 'tempdb'
      SELECT 'systems')

--DECLARE @intInstDbCounter smallint
DECLARE @intInstDbCounter bigint

SET @intInstDbCounter = (SELECT ISNULL(MAX(int_InstDb_RowRef),0) FROM #tbl_InstancePrepDatabases)

IF @intInstDbCounter = 0 RETURN --This means that there are no databases in this instances which are in a state which allows them to be defraged

--the databases contained within the temp table are looped through in reverese order
WHILE @intInstDbCounter > 0
 --sets the two variables used throughout the loop to control the database being worked on
 SET @db_id = (SELECT int_DbId FROM #tbl_InstancePrepDatabases WHERE int_InstDb_RowRef = @intInstDbCounter)
 SET @InternalDBName = (SELECT nvchr_DbName FROM #tbl_InstancePrepDatabases WHERE int_InstDb_RowRef = @intInstDbCounter)

 --deletes any existing data held for the database about to be analysed
 SET @SQLString = 'DELETE FROM systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed WHERE intDbId = ' + CAST(@db_id as varchar)
 print (@SQLString)
 EXEC (@SQLString)

 --updateds the summary table to signify that the data for the relevant database has been purged
 SET @SQLString = 'UPDATE systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_DB_Summary SET dte_DataPurged = GETUTCDATE() WHERE dte_DataPurged is null AND '
 SET @SQLString =  @SQLString + 'dte_DataRfshStart IN (SELECT MAX(dte_DataRfshStart) FROM systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_DB_Summary WHERE intDbId =' + CAST(@db_id as varchar) + ')'
 print (@SQLString)
 EXEC (@SQLString)

 --the following creates a new row in the summary table to signify that fragment data is beign captured
 SET @SQLString = 'INSERT INTO systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_DB_Summary (intDbId, nvchr_DbName, dte_DataRfshStart) VALUES ('
 SET @SQLString =  @SQLString + CAST(@db_id as varchar) + ', ' + CHAR(39) + @InternalDBName + CHAR(39) + ', GETUTCDATE())'
 print (@SQLString)
 EXEC (@SQLString)

 --the following inserts the output from the dmv "dm_db_index_physical_stats" into the detailed table
 INSERT INTO systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed
  (intDbId,  nvchr_DbName, intObject_Id, intIndex_Id, fltFragPrcnt, vchrIndexType, vchrAllocType,
  intUserSeeks, intUserScans, intUserLookups, intUserUpdates, sintPagelocks, sintDisabled, intPageCount)
 SELECT  database_id, DB_NAME(database_id), DMV_IndexStat.[object_id], DMV_IndexStat.[index_id], DMV_IndexStat.[avg_fragmentation_in_percent],
  DMV_IndexStat.[index_type_desc], DMV_IndexStat.alloc_unit_type_desc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, DMV_IndexStat.[page_count]
 FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@db_id, NULL, NULL, NULL , @ScanMode) AS DMV_IndexStat
 WHERE (DMV_IndexStat.[index_id] > 0) AND DMV_IndexStat.[avg_fragmentation_in_percent] > 0

 --if no rows where inserted then code will "RETURN" out to the parent call or stored proc
 IF @@RowCount = 0
 --continues out to the nnext stage of the loop
 --the tables used are truncated & the loop counter is decremented

  SET @SQLString = 'UPDATE systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_DB_Summary SET dte_DataRfshEnd = GETUTCDATE() WHERE dte_DataRfshEnd IS NULL '
  SET @SQLString =  @SQLString + 'and intDbId = ' + CAST(@db_id as varchar)
  Print (@SQLString)
  EXEC (@SQLString)

  SET @intInstDbCounter = @intInstDbCounter - 1
 --the continue command is requried to move to the next step ignoring code after this which makes no sesne if no data to process

 --This next section retrieves the shcema & table names, also whether table has LOB data
 SET @SQLString = N'UPDATE systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed SET vchr_OwnerName = SubFilt.SchmaName, vchr_TableName = SubFilt.TblName, sintHasLOB = ' +
  N'SubFilt.LobDt FROM systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed JOIN (SELECT SysSchma.[name] SchmaName, SysTbls.[name] TblName, SysTbls.[object_id] ObjctId, ' +
  N'SysTbls.lob_data_space_id LobDt FROM [' + @InternalDBName + N'].sys.tables SysTbls JOIN ['+ @InternalDBName + N'].sys.schemas SysSchma On SysTbls.[schema_id]' +
  N' = SysSchma.[schema_id] WHERE [object_id] IN(SELECT DISTINCT intObject_Id FROM systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed WHERE intDbId = ' + CAST(@db_id as varchar) +
  N')) SubFilt On systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed.intObject_Id = SubFilt.ObjctId WHERE intDbId = ' + CAST(@db_id as varchar)
 EXEC (@SQLString)

 --This removes any system tables which may have been captured
 FROM systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed
 WHERE UPPER(ISNULL(vchr_OwnerName, 'sys')) = 'SYS'

 --This next section retrieves the index name
 SET @SQLString = N'UPDATE systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed SET vchrIndexName = Sys_Indx.[name], sintPagelocks = Sys_Indx.[allow_page_locks], sintDisabled = ' +
  'Sys_Indx.[is_disabled] FROM systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed JOIN [' +  @InternalDBName + N'].sys.indexes As Sys_Indx WITH(NOLOCK) On ' +
  'systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed.intObject_Id = Sys_Indx.[Object_id] AND systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed.intIndex_Id = Sys_Indx.Index_id ' +
  'WHERE intDbId = ' + CAST(@db_id as varchar)
    print (@SQLString)
 EXEC (@SQLString)

 --This next section retrieves the Index useage figures
 SET @SQLString = N'UPDATE systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed SET intUserSeeks = DMV_IndexUse.user_seeks, intUserScans = DMV_IndexUse.user_scans, intUserLookups = ' +
  N'DMV_IndexUse.user_lookups, intUserUpdates = DMV_IndexUse.user_seeks FROM systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed JOIN ['+ @InternalDBName + N'].sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats ' +
  N' As DMV_IndexUse ON systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed.intObject_Id = DMV_IndexUse.Object_id AND systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed.intIndex_Id = ' +
  N'DMV_IndexUse.Index_id AND systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_Detailed.intDbId = DMV_IndexUse.database_id'
    print (@SQLString)
 EXEC (@SQLString)

 SET @SQLString = 'UPDATE systems.dbo.tbl_INDEX_FragData_DB_Summary SET dte_DataRfshEnd = GETUTCDATE() WHERE dte_DataRfshEnd IS NULL '
 SET @SQLString =  @SQLString + 'and intDbId = ' + CAST(@db_id as varchar)
 print (@SQLString)
 EXEC (@SQLString)

 SET @intInstDbCounter = @intInstDbCounter - 1

IF (Object_Id('tempdb..#tbl_InstancePrepDatabases')) Is Not Null Drop Table #tbl_InstancePrepDatabases




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