I have a source database dbtest02 with a table called article with the following data
id type cost
001 1 40
002 2 34
003 7 120
004 4 160
My target table article is in database dbtest01 and has the following data
id type cost action
001 1 40 new
002 2 80 new
003 3 120 new
Using the Except clause, I can identify the differences between the tables
SELECT id,type, cost
FROM dbtest02.article
SELECT id,type, cost
FROM dbtest01.article
id type cost
002 2 34
003 7 120
004 4 160
These rows will be added to the target table, however, I need to mark the action column if the row is updated or new. My Except clause query needs to output the following
id type cost action
002 2 34 update
003 7 120 update
004 4 160 new
Could you please help me with this output?
Many thanks