I have the following query which returns jobs and jobsteps - for those items which have SSIS Packages attached, I would like to include a link to the results of this query below - to the actual SSIS Package Id - Can someone tell me what the column is that references the two ?
dbo.sysssispackages= dbo.SysJobSteps
I could parse the "command" label - but would prefer something along the lines of job_id unique identifier.
SELECT Job.job_id, Job.name, Job.enabled, Job.description, Job.date_created, Job.Date_modified, Step.Step_Id, Step.step_name, Step.subsystem, Step.command, Step.server, Step.database_name, step.last_run_duration, Step.Last_run_date FROM Msdb.dbo.SysJobs JOB INNER JOIN Msdb.dbo.SysJobSteps STEP ON STEP.Job_Id = JOB.Job_Id