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Finding rows with mismatched birth dates


I am attempting to find persons in a data set with multiple rows containing mismatched birth dates.

Even limiting the select to 40 rows, this code will run for hours.

If I take out the check for month, the select will complete in a few minutes.

Of course, there are additional statement not shown that check for matching names and other limiting criteria, but I think the problem is shown in this fragment.

Is there any way I can improve the performance of this query?

SELECT distinct top 40
 a.state_id, a.name_first + ' ' +a.name_middle + ' ' +  a.name_last + ' ' +   a.name_suffix as [a_name],   a.birth_date, 'KI'as [a.cnty],

a.voter_id,  a.status, a.comment_id, a.timestamp, a.drivers_license, a.ssn,                   ltrim         (rtrim            (rtrim          

   (rtrim                 (rtrim                   (rtrim                     (rtrim                                  (isnull( rtrim(ltrim

(a.house_number)),'') ) + ' ' + isnull (a.house_fraction, '')                    )  + ' ' +    isnull(a.pre_dir,'')                  )   + ' '

+    isnull(a.street,'')               )    + ' '  +    isnull(a.type, '')             )     +' '  +    isnull(a.post_dir, '')          )    

)   as [residence],  a.apartment_number, a.city, a.zip,  a.phone_1, a.birth_date as [sortDOB], a.reg_date , a.name_first
FROM voter
AS a  
AS b   
ON a.voter_id <> b.voter_id and a.birth_date > '1/1/1900' and b.birth_date > '1/1/1900'
      (a.status in ('A', 'P') and b.status in ('A','I','P'))
      (a.status = 'I' and b.status in ('A', 'P'))
    and dateadd (mm,0,a.birth_date) >= dateadd (MM, -2, b.birth_date) and dateadd (MM,0,a.birth_date) <= dateadd(MM,  2, b.birth_date)
    and dateadd (yy,0,a.birth_date) >= dateadd (yy, -2, b.birth_date) and dateadd (yy,0,a.birth_date) <= dateadd(yy,  2, b.birth_date)

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