PartyTypeID FunctionType 4 Display Name 5 Organization Name 6 Band Name 7 Alias 8 Venue Name 9 Legal Name 10 Abbreviated Name
I have table like above in Relational database form, I am working on store PROC. My
task is to modify proc in such a way that---One condition if there is existing Organization Name
in other reference table then insert as an Alias--another condition if organization name
is noted by venue name, Band Name or Legal name then insert all the records as below
party Id Function Type
5 Organization Name
5 Venue Name
5 Band name
5 legal Name and so on-----
Party Type ID 4 and 5 can not come together combination can be like 4,6,7,8,9 or 5,6,7,8,9
Why 4 and 5 can not come together is both are separate eg
Buyer 1 (display name individual person) and Buyer 2 (Org)i.e
cursor or case statement?