Party Relationship Rela ID master/Duplicate TypeRelationshipID 1 M A 2 M A 3 M B 4 D A 5 D C 6 M A 7 M C Party Relationship Category Rela ID CategoryID 1 3 2 5 3 66 4 14 5 15 6 17 7 18Party Relationship table contains up to 5 records 3 master and 2 duplicate , i made duplicate (DD) to master and added two rows 6 and 7. I mean 6 and 7 become master from duplicate. I have party relationship category table - how to make those copied 6 and 7 acts like 4 and 5 though they are 6,7 so it connect correctly with relationship category. I know it works through scope identity(), and cursor but i need sample code.
Copy of specific records and get new rows but how to make sure relationship still pointed I think cursor and scope identity()