1 | Deepak Kumar |
2 | Sourabh Shrivastav |
2 | Amit Wadhwa |
3 | Ashutosh Tripathi |
3 | Ashutosh Kumar |
3 | Rizvi |
“NameList” table has name of persons with ID.Select query is required for following condition:
If the Id’s are exactly two in number (e.g. count of ID = 2 is exactly two) then the names should be concatenated with 'OR'. When Ids are more than two (e.g. Id # 3 has a count of 3) , the values should be concatenated with 'AND'
Expected Result
ID | Name |
1 | Deepak Kumar |
2 | Sourabh Shrivastav OR Amit Wadhwa |
3 | Ashutosh Tripathi AND Ashutosh Kumar AND Rizvi |