I have Tables USERS_Pdt with data coulmns - Product, UserID, Email, Gender, City, State, .... and Tables USER with data coulmns - UserID, Email, Gender, City, State, .... with Unique Non Clustered indexes in UserID and Email.
I have situation like below:
The required result is if the new userID is having the blank email then it will put "unknown " as value in email else email itself. Now the situation is for the same UserID , I got two records for different products. Below is the required result:
User_ID | Gender | State | City | |
UHN50J72 | camps@gmail.com | M | CA | Fontana |
ACT29F98 | fiminy@gmial.com | F | NJ | Roselle |
QRY76VG | QRY76VG | M | NY | Queens |
Any help is appreciated.