I have a view that calls on a series of other views to build a cumulative results report. The way that it is structured the view has run for 20 minutes without a result before I cancel it.
Here is the final view:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Ifc, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].[Group Type], dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Party, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Contest, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Candidate, SUM(dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Value) AS [Cumulative Value], dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].DEFINITION, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].SetOrder, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].NAME AS ContestName, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Sequence, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].[Vote For], dbo.[Over Under Cumulative].CumulativeUnder, dbo.[Over Under Cumulative].CumulativeOver, dbo.Candidates.NAME AS CandidateName, dbo.Candidates.Sequence AS CandidateSequence, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].PartyName FROM dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan] INNER JOIN dbo.[Over Under Cumulative] ON dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Contest = dbo.[Over Under Cumulative].Contest_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Candidates ON dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Candidate = dbo.Candidates.Id GROUP BY dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Party, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Contest, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Candidate, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].[Group Type], dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Ifc, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].DEFINITION, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].SetOrder, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].NAME, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Sequence, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].[Vote For], dbo.[Over Under Cumulative].CumulativeUnder, dbo.[Over Under Cumulative].CumulativeOver, dbo.Candidates.NAME, dbo.Candidates.Sequence, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].PartyName ORDER BY dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].Ifc, dbo.[Results Combined Nonpartisan].[Group Type]
which calls:
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[Results Combined Nonpartisan] AS SELECT [Ifc], [Party], [Contest], [Candidate], [Definition], [Group], [Value], [Group Type], [SetOrder], [Name], [Sequence], [Vote For], [PartyName] FROM [TDG.Database].[dbo].[PartisanOnlyResults] UNION ALL SELECT [Ifc], [Contest], [Party], [Candidate], [Definition], [Group], [Value], [Group Type], [SetOrder], [Name], [Sequence], [Vote For], [PartyName] FROM [TDG.Database].[dbo].[NonpartisanOnlyResults]
as well as:
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[Over Under Cumulative] AS SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Ifc, [Group Type], [Group], Contest_Id, Contest, SUM(Undervotes) AS CumulativeUnder, SUM(Overvotes) AS CumulativeOver FROM dbo.[Over Under Combined] GROUP BY [Group Type], Contest_Id, Contest, Ifc, [Group] ORDER BY Ifc, [Group Type], [Group], Contest_Id, Contest
[dbo].[Results Combined Nonpartisan] calls on:
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[PartisanOnlyResults] AS SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT ViewTable.Ifc, ViewTable.Party, ViewTable.Contest, ViewTable.Candidate, ViewTable.DEFINITION, ViewTable.[Group], SUM(CONVERT(INT, ViewTable.IsVoted)) AS Value, ViewTable.[Group Type], dbo.Parties.SetOrder, dbo.Contests.NAME, dbo.Contests.Sequence, dbo.Contests.[Vote For], dbo.Parties.NAME AS PartyName FROM dbo.VotedPositions AS ViewTable INNER JOIN dbo.Contests ON ViewTable.Contest = dbo.Contests.Id INNER JOIN dbo.Parties ON dbo.Contests.Party = dbo.Parties.Id WHERE (dbo.Parties.Nonpartisan = 0) GROUP BY ViewTable.Ifc, ViewTable.Party, ViewTable.Contest, ViewTable.Candidate, ViewTable.DEFINITION, ViewTable.[Group], ViewTable.[Group Type], dbo.Parties.SetOrder, dbo.Contests.NAME, dbo.Contests.Sequence, dbo.Contests.[Vote For], dbo.Parties.NAME GO
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[NonpartisanOnlyResults] AS SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT ViewTable.Ifc, ViewTable.Contest, dbo.Contests.Party, ViewTable.Candidate, ViewTable.DEFINITION, ViewTable.[Group], COUNT(CASE WHEN [IsVoted] = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS Value, ViewTable.[Group Type], dbo.Parties.SetOrder, dbo.Contests.Sequence, dbo.Contests.[Vote For], dbo.Contests.NAME, dbo.Parties.NAME AS PartyName FROM dbo.VotedPositions AS ViewTable INNER JOIN dbo.Contests ON ViewTable.Contest = dbo.Contests.Id INNER JOIN dbo.Parties ON dbo.Contests.Party = dbo.Parties.Id WHERE (dbo.Parties.Nonpartisan = 1) GROUP BY ViewTable.Ifc, ViewTable.Contest, ViewTable.Candidate, ViewTable.DEFINITION, ViewTable.[Group], ViewTable.[Group Type], dbo.Contests.Party, dbo.Parties.SetOrder, dbo.Contests.Sequence, dbo.Contests.[Vote For], dbo.Contests.NAME, dbo.Parties.NAME ORDER BY ViewTable.DEFINITION, ViewTable.[Group], dbo.Contests.Party, ViewTable.Contest, ViewTable.Candidate GO
Which ultimately calls on the source table which has just under 1 million rows. I have been working on this for the past few days and have tried numerous variations to speed this up. One of the attempts can even be seen above as I tried different methods to count the number of true values.
The source table (VotedPositions) is called multiple times, and I have a though that applying the filtering criteria to the source table before calling the other views could reduce the time, however I am uncertain how to accomplish this, or if it will matter.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.