I was looking at using an 'Auto Restore script', that would allow me to:
->Run the Restore from the Test Server nightly via a SQL job
->Restore this latest Production backup by querying the Production Server via a linked-server from Test Server
I did see the following script from Greg Robidoux and it builds a restore statement at the end. I was looking for ideas or any changes needed to accomplish the 2 main objectives I have at the top, and add a step to actually execute the created statement. Note I would need to call the remote backup in this script but not sure the best way (i.e. \\serverprd\h$\backups\
Here's the script:
DECLARE @databaseName sysname
DECLARE @backupStartDate datetime
DECLARE @backup_set_id_start INT
DECLARE @backup_set_id_end INT
-- set database to be used
SET @databaseName = 'enterDatabaseNameHere'
SELECT @backup_set_id_start = MAX(backup_set_id)
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
WHERE database_name = @databaseName AND type = 'D'
SELECT @backup_set_id_end = MIN(backup_set_id)
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
WHERE database_name = @databaseName AND type = 'D'
AND backup_set_id > @backup_set_id_start
IF @backup_set_id_end IS NULL SET @backup_set_id_end = 999999999
SELECT backup_set_id, 'RESTORE DATABASE ' + @databaseName + ' FROM DISK = '''
+ mf.physical_device_name + ''' WITH NORECOVERY'
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset b,
msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily mf
WHERE b.media_set_id = mf.media_set_id
AND b.database_name = @databaseName
AND b.backup_set_id = @backup_set_id_start
SELECT backup_set_id, 'RESTORE LOG ' + @databaseName + ' FROM DISK = '''
+ mf.physical_device_name + ''' WITH NORECOVERY'
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset b,
msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily mf
WHERE b.media_set_id = mf.media_set_id
AND b.database_name = @databaseName
AND b.backup_set_id >= @backup_set_id_start AND b.backup_set_id < @backup_set_id_end
AND b.type = 'L'
SELECT 999999999 AS backup_set_id, 'RESTORE DATABASE ' + @databaseName + ' WITH RECOVERY'
ORDER BY backup_set_id
Appreciate replies.