we are using Sql server 2005.i have generated a result set using a recursive CTE with Multiple level based on the Child and parent relation ship.<o:p></o:p>
The Below image is the Result set that i had ended up with.<o:p></o:p>
this is how the CTE works.<o:p></o:p>
It takes one LE_ID(child) and when LE_ID(Child) = Ultimate_id(grand parent), Its level 1. and it then takes LE_ID(CHILD) for the LVL 1 and inner joins with the field (PRNT_ID) in the base table for that ULTIMATE_ID, and for all the matches found it names it as LVL 2. and then all the LVL 2 LE_ID's are inner joined with PRNT_ID field of the base table for that particular (PRNT_ID) and termed as LVL 3 and so on... . <o:p></o:p>
and the other part of requirement says the 'Total' field should be populated on the Below criteria. <o:p></o:p>
For LVL = 1 the sum of all the LE_ID for that particular ULTIMATE_ID should be populated in the 'Total' field.<o:p></o:p>
From LVL = 2 on it should take an LE_ID and find the same record in PRNT_ID FIeld and then take IT's LE_ID and find any record with that PRNT_ID.. So on.. and ADD up the BNK_AMT and populate the 'Total' field.<o:p></o:p>
Example: ULTIMATE_ID = 213<o:p></o:p>
LE_ID In LVL 2 are 214, 215, 216 there is match for 214 in LVL 3, which is has LE_ID has 300 and this has not as PRNT_ID number so 17000.00+30.00 = 17030.00 should be populated as 'Total' for that records. <o:p></o:p>
Please need an advice on this. Thanks.<o:p></o:p>